Wrestlers are subject for Disqualifications:
1. No hair pulling, eye gouging, strangle holds or biting.
2. No pulling of trunks, masks, or any other equipment.
3. No straight punches or kicks with point of toe.
The following violations are automatic disqualifications:
1. Throwing opponent over top rope.
2. Karate thrusts to the throat.
3. The piledriver hold.
4. Failing to break an illegal hold before the referee’s “five count”.
5. The use of any foreign object.
6. Any interference with the duties of the referee.
7. Continuing to abuse a defeated opponent.
8. Any interference by managers, seconds, or cornermen.
9. Tag team save rule: automatic disqualification when one team member saves another on any sure pin or submission combination more than once.
10. No intentional punching or kicking in the groin or kidney area.
The following maneuvers are legal:
1. Judo chops, forearm blows, bolo punches, instep and flat of foot kicks.
2. The use of the ropes to gain leverage – contestants may spring against ropes as in tackles and other such maneuvers providing the contact with the rope is mandatory.
3. It is legal to continue wrestling your opponent until he is clearly entangled in ropes and referee calls for the break (wrestlers cautioned to protect themselves on the break).
Contestants will get 10 counts on the apron of the ring and on the floor.
Time limits:
Ultimate Title matches are subject up to 60 minute time limits
Premiere title matches are subject upt to 30 minute time limits
Tag team title matches are subject up to 30 minute time limits
All other matches are subject to 20 minute time limits unless noted
If time limit is met then the match is considered a draw.
Title defenses:
Ultimate title must be defended within 1 year of gaining the title.
Premiere title must be defended within 6 months of gaining title.
Tag Team Title must be defended within 6 months of gaining the title.
Championships cannot change hands when the victory is gained by disqualification or countout.
In any situation not covered by these rules, the UCW will honor the judgement and discretion of the appointed referee.